Individual sports

Gábor Rakonczay crosses the Atlantic with SUP
With a SUP, or paddle board, he would like to cross the Atlantic with Gábor Rakonczay, a double Guinness World Recorder and six times Hungarian crossing.
  • SUP ()
  • extreme ()
  • Gábor rakonczay ()
In a documentary film, the ARD, a German public service television channel, made serious accusations against Tamás Tar in a documentary that it could prosecute the president of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) for corruption cases.
  • Olympics ()
  • doping ()
  • scandal (2)
He was banned from doping at age 16
Due to a positive doping test, Sammy Kiprop Kitwara, who was a gold medalist and a bronze medalist in the 2010 Half Marathon World Championship, was banned for 16 months.
  • doping ()
Messi and Biles voted AIPS Vote of the Year, Long Fourth, Milak Eighth
Lionel Messi and Simone Biles finished in the lead at the traditional end-of-year vote of the International Sports Journalists Association (AIPS), with Katinka Long in fourth, Kristóf Milák in eighth and Győr women's handball in fifth.
  • football (307)
  • swimming ()
  • basketball ()
  • gymnastics ()




Thomas Doll leaves the city of Ferencváros
Thomas Doll, the German head coach of the Ferencváros football team, will leave the post with a joint agreement - said on Tuesday.
  • Giants ()
  • thomas doll ()


Thomas Doll leaves the city of Ferencváros
Thomas Doll, the German head coach of the Ferencváros football team, will leave the post with a joint agreement - said on Tuesday.
  • Giants ()
  • thomas doll ()