Almost $ 9 million was paid for Baron Coubertin's Olympic proclamation

Sports outfits have never been paid more than the manuscript of Baron Pierre de Coubertin's speech of 1892, which sold for $ 8.8 million ($ 2.62 billion) at a New York auction.

A 14-page call for a revival of the ancient Olympic Games was launched by Sotheby's auction house and the company had anticipated that the purchase price would reach $ 1 million.

Wednesday's auction then far surpassed expectations: three buyers fought hard for the document, ending up with a bid of $ 8.8 million. The identity of the buyer has not been disclosed.

The most valuable sports outfit to date was one of the baseball bats by Babe Ruth, which sold for $ 5.6 million six months ago.

Baron Coubertin gave a speech at the Sorbonne University's 5th birthday party at the French Athletic Association. Two years later, he founded the International Olympic Committee, and in 1896 held the first modern-day Olympic Games in Athens.

(Source:, m4sport, mti / Photo: pixabay, mti)


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