The eyes of the Hungarians on Áron Szilágyi

The eyes of the world are on the athletes who have made it to the Olympics, but the Hungarians have plenty of reason to be excited.

Hungarian fencers perform well in their sport, so we can rightly be excited about the fencer at the Paris Olympics. One of them, Áron Szilágyi, has already shown himself three times at this sports event and won a gold medal three times.


There's a good chance he'll be able to accomplish this feat for a quarter of the time.

But we have to focus not only on Áron Szilágyi, but also on András Szatmári.

Come on, Hungarian swordsmen!

(Source: / Pictures: Pixabay (The pictures are illustrations)


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Thomas Doll leaves the city of Ferencváros
Thomas Doll, the German head coach of the Ferencváros football team, will leave the post with a joint agreement - said on Tuesday.
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