The general meeting of the MOB replaced the chairman Krisztián Kulcsár

At the extraordinary general meeting of the Hungarian Olympic Committee (MOB) on Thursday, a majority of the 43 members out of 51 abstained from the trust of President Krisztián Kulcsár.

The vote of confidence was initiated by the President himself after receiving numerous criticisms from members of the amendment to the Statutes, which came into force in September, and called on the Presidency and organizations excluded from the MOB to resign.

As an introduction to the General Assembly, Krisztián Kulcsár acknowledged that he had failed because, instead of the successes in Tokyo and the expectations in Beijing, the news has been about his presidential work in recent weeks. He believed the cultured solution on his part was to seek the opinion of the membership that elected and then approved the amendment to the MOB’s bylaws in relation to the mistrust. He added that he did not resign voluntarily because it would have meant admitting the charges.

The General Meeting accepted the proposal of László Tóth, the first man of the Hungarian Judo Association (MJSZ), so the presidential report was removed from the agenda and there were no comments. In the no-confidence vote, 24 of those present voted to leave the MOB president, 18 to stay, and one vote was invalid.

Krisztián Kulcsár then announced that he would leave on January 31, so if the new president is elected by February 1, he could be there for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Later, at a press conference after the general meeting, MTI replied to the question of what he would do differently: he would not change direction, but it was a mistake on his part to allow them to misinterpret their intentions and talk more to members about what they really were. takes place at the Olympic Committee.

"I gave too much space by not explaining the path of the transformation process, allowing me to feed the attacks that ended in it. It should have been a little political wisdom," he said. He could not say anything concrete about his future yet, but he emphasized that he would not distance himself from the Hungarian Olympic family because he still felt like a member.

Regarding the election process of the new president, Secretary General Bálint Vékássy replied to MTI's interest that there were several scenarios. According to the statutes, the presidential assembly should be convened by February 15, but it is in the organization’s interest to call it out by early February because of the Beijing Olympics. The decision is in the hands of the presidency, which is informed that it will meet next on 12 January.

In connection with the upcoming Winter Olympics, he reported that they had managed to buy tickets for the Hungarian team, which was not an easy task due to flight cancellations. He added that during the long wait in Amsterdam, a business waiting room has been booked for the competitors.

"There are no difficulties that we do not find solvable, everything will be fine," the secretary general stressed.

(Source: Source:, mti / Photo: pixabay)

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