It's a pleasure to give! - Help students in need start the new academic year with joy! (x)

In most families, they are already excitedly preparing for the start of school in August, and if necessary, they buy a new bag, pen holder, pencil, or sports equipment so that the first day of school in September can start as well as possible. However, many families cannot experience the joy of unclouded preparation, because not only the more expensive equipment needed for learning, but also sometimes they cannot buy even a single school tool of lesser value with their limited financial resources. This is what the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service and SPAR would like to help with. school supplies collection campaign.

Now in its fourth year, the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service and SPAR are helping families in need. school supplies collection campaign, to the success of which you can also contribute! This year, August 21-24. in all 36 INTERSPAR hypermarkets in the country, you can personally hand over the notebooks, school supplies and other equipment you bought as a donation to the volunteers of the Charity Service, who will hand over the school packages collected in this way to the families of the most needy children even before the start of school.

More than a new pencil or pen

It is important to know that your donation will go to the best place thanks to the people of Malta, as their employees are there even in the smallest villages, where they maintain constant contact with the most needy, so they know exactly where and what is needed. Giving is Joy! thanks to the school supplies collection campaign, 1,600 disadvantaged students were able to go to school last year with a school bag equipped with new school supplies, and thus could walk through the school gates with the same confidence as their peers living in better financial circumstances: they don't have to be ashamed of their used or missing bag or pen holder. In other words, the new teaching aids can help not only financially, but also mentally, because they can make children more motivated, and this can contribute to their later success in school in the long run.

You too can be a part of other people's joy

In domestic INTERSPAR stores, you can choose from more than 1,200 items related to school, learning, and sports, from basic stationery to notebooks, watercolors, folders, and equipped pen holders and gym bags. Buy as many of these as you like and according to your budget, then hand over the donated items to the volunteers of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service at INTERSPAR hypermarkets, knowing that you have contributed to the joyful start of school for a less fortunate child. If you don't have a way to do this personally, or if you don't want to bother with the selection of tools, it's a pleasure to give! you can also buy donation cards in various denominations between July 29 and September 1 in INTERSPAR stores or in the SPAR online shop . The money collected in this way is also exchanged for school supplies, booklet packs, and stationery, and the Charity Service delivers them to needy families raising school children even before the start of the school year.

The details of the donation collection and the list of INTERSPAR stores participating in the personal collection a

They are available on the website .


(Source: Editorial)


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