Do you get along well with your colleagues? How about! (x)

Can you imagine one of your co-workers as your wedding witness? Or, on the contrary: would you rather not even invite any of them to the ceremony? As many colleagues, as many habits. Decade-long friendships can be formed at work, but sometimes seeing someone's name as the sender of an email gets the pump going. It comes to mind: and how much does he stand with his boss?


Now a research helps to find out how much Hungarian employees like their colleagues. The "Work Happier" survey seeks answers to, among other things, whether the worker likes to perform his tasks alone or rather in a team, whether his opinion is taken into account, or whether he has someone to turn to in the event of a grievance. In addition to the relationship with the boss, the research also asks about how much privacy there is in the workplace and to what extent co-workers tolerate it among themselves.

By filling in a short form that takes a few minutes, you can contribute to having a more complete picture of the relationships of domestic employees and their relationship with their colleagues. You can fill out the questionnaire for the "Work Happier" research at this link!

(Source: Editorial)


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  • colleague ()
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  • questionnaire ()
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Thomas Doll, the German head coach of the Ferencváros football team, will leave the post with a joint agreement - said on Tuesday.
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Thomas Doll leaves the city of Ferencváros
Thomas Doll, the German head coach of the Ferencváros football team, will leave the post with a joint agreement - said on Tuesday.
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