Tamara Csipes: I have a lot of work to do in this

Struggling with tears, Tamara Csipes made it extremely happy after winning a silver medal in the kayak 500m at the Tokyo Olympics on Thursday.

"I have a lot of work to do in this, especially since my little girl was born," began the 31-year-old rider, who gave life to Olivia in November 2017. " what I know at the end of summer, not in the spring, in the ten-degree March.


He revealed that during his career he had a race in which he did not have a heart, a soul, there were periods when he was not interested in the result.

"But it had everything in it now, everything imaginable on earth, which is why I'm so happy. It's not an easy thing mentally to always be behind it or to a five-time Olympic champion I've grown up with and competed with since I was 18," Kozák said. Danuta. ”“ You’re always behind him because you’re an incredibly talented kayaker, and you often ask yourself, good, you’re second, but how do you feel? But now I’ve had the opportunity to show you: maybe I’m worth something too. "

Csipes put it this way, he had done very well for himself in the past month as well, so he would have felt a worse ranking than fourth.

London and Rio champion Danuta Kozák failed to triple, this time as defending champion he had to settle for fourth place.

"What all ran through me? Mostly how much suffering, tears, fatigue is behind it. And not only mine, but my family's (my husband's coach, Béla Somogyi), my little girl's. But unfortunately it didn't come now out "- said the classic competitor.

Speaking of the final, he recalled that he started badly and tried after that, but with little success.

"There was a right side wind, which was probably the least good for me, but it didn't depend on that. The rivals were far away from me, it wasn't good either. It wasn't a good race on my part," Kozák said.

(Source: Source: sportrajongo.hu, mti / Photo: pixabay, mti)


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