This did not work out for the climbers

Mountain climbing is a dangerous sport, and those who practice it are aware of this. Still, they set out to break peaks.

There are those who succeed, while others, more fortunately, do not make it to the top, but survive. The recent tragedy of Szilárd Suhajda drew attention to mountaineers.


In any case, their willpower, determination and courage are to be admired (of course, in addition to their existing knowledge), yet many people hurt them because they consider their actions irresponsible.

Now the attention turned to two more climbers. Bence Kerekes and Dávid Klein wanted to conquer the peaks of Pakistan. On June 20, they were already in the first camp, followed by the second and straight path to the mountain ridge. But they considered it. They made two attempts to approach the summit, but the high degree of uncertainty made the two climbers turn back in time.

Although they did not reach the top of the mountain and thus their expedition was not successful, they did not experience all of this as a loss. They enjoyed the climb, paid attention to each other, and had a share of excitement. So, overall, they returned home with a good experience, but without fulfilling the plan.

(Source: / Pictures: Pixabay)


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