The motorcycle company is mourning, the country is mourning

All forms of exercise involve some degree of danger, but some sports are particularly dangerous. it is not by chance that they are classified in the extreme category. But what is terrifying for someone is a challenge and a reason for conquest for others.

Mountain climbing, flying, car and motorcycle sports also belong to the extreme category. Those who have found themselves, their freedom and joy in one of these are essentially playing with their lives. Yet they crave the feeling these sports can give them.


We were saddened to note that another Hungarian talent has passed away. Perhaps the only consolation in grief is that Bence Szvoboda, the ten-time motocross competitor, was doing what he loved.

The young pilot suffered a serious accident when he fell during the race and the competitors behind him could not avoid it, they drove over him. They fought for him in the hospital for days, but he could not win this race.

(Source: / Pictures: Pixabay)


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Thomas Doll leaves the city of Ferencváros
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