Rally Eb - Competitors are waiting for an exciting and close race

Both Hungarian and foreign riders are looking forward to a difficult but exciting and close race at the Rally Hungary, the fourth race of the European Championship (ERC) and the sixth race of the national championship, which will take place this weekend in and around Nyíregyháza.

56 doubles entered the European Championships, almost reaching the maximum of 60 in the duo, and in addition to the continental championship, world championship winners will also start in the race from Friday to Sunday.

Norwegian Andreas Mikkelsen did not take part in any rally this year, instead taking the official rubber tests for Pirelli, but as he said in his show M4 Sport Sporthíradó, he is looking forward to the weekend in Nyíregyháza.

"We want to go to the forefront, but I don't think it's going to be easy. Our team is good, we've prepared the car, I think we have a chance for a nice result," said the 31-year-old Norwegian driver, who is in 2014, 2015, and also finished third in the 2016 World Cup composite points race.

Mads Ostberg, who is also a race winner at the WRC, said on the official website of Rally Hungary that this will be the first time he has competed in Hungary, and based on the internal camera footage, winning the race does not seem an easy task at all.

"I like the harsh conditions because that's what the rally is all about. The field will be strong, it's almost like we're in a World Cup, but I like tough duels, so it doesn't change my goal of wanting to win," said the 33-year-old Norwegian. competitor.

Oliver Solberg, the son of world champion Petter in 2003, who finished second in the European Championship points race, thought the speed stages in Zemplén seemed difficult and great.

"You have to write these tracks very well, because a little mistake is enough and you can get into big trouble already. Not necessarily the fastest wins here, but the one who best assigns technique and knowledge," said the 19-year-old Swede. pilot.

Frigyes Turán, László Bagaméri, the winner of last year's European Championships, will experience it as a "festive moment", so that in addition to the best of the national championship, he can also compare his knowledge with well-known foreign competitors.

"Our primary goal is to perform well in the Hungarian championship and move up from our complex fourth place, but I think that whoever finishes in front of the ob will be in a good position in the ERC as well," Turán said. “Because of our result last year, there’s not too much pressure on us, the fact that we were able to win then was a fantastic experience, but we can’t expect ourselves to repeat that,” added Shell Helix Ultra team rider, emphasizing the presence of fans it will mean a lot to them again.

In the last race of the national championship, the winner of the Vértes rally and the second pair in the composite, Ádám Velenczei and Tamás Szőke also pay more attention to the evaluation of the ob.

"We entered the ERC field, our result counts, but of course we watch the Hungarian championship, where we are one point behind the Feri of Vincze. We must not drop out, we must collect points, as many points as possible," said Velenczei.

The ceremonial start ceremony of Rally Hungary will take place on Friday at 17.55 in the center of Nyíregyháza, and then at 7 pm in Rabócsir Máriapócs the speed prologue will start. The field has to complete four special stages twice on Saturday, and on Sunday another seven stages, including those in downtown Nyíregyháza, are waiting for the starters. The total distance of the race is 191.06 kilometers, only Friday and Saturday are included in the evaluation of the ob.

The composite points race of the European Rally Championship is led by Alexei Lukyanuk of Russia with 108 points, Solberg (66 points) is second, Grégoire Munster of Luxembourg (56) is third, and Norbert Herczig and Ramón Ferencz are double in 12th (19). In the Hungarian championship, the defending champion Vincze leads with 92 points, Velenczei is second (91 points), András Hadik is third (72), Turánék is fourth (68).

(Source: Source: sportrajongo.hu, mti / Photo: pixabay)


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