Csaba Varga has already arrived home

The danger of mountain climbing is a sport, and if a Hungarian tries to conquer a big peak, then we raise our heads. We could also notice the conquest attempt of Csaba Varga.

Recently, we reported on the attempt of the athlete from Nagyvárad who wanted to conquer the peak of Nanga Parbat. Although he did not choose the highest point for himself, his plan can be called extra dangerous, because he wanted to do it without the help of a Sherpa and supplemental oxygen.


We now not only know that the architect and mountaineer living in Oryvárad has realized his plan, but also that he has since arrived at Ferenc Liszt International Airport.

Although he did not conquer the highest peak, it was still a superhuman achievement, because he had to deal with a large difference in level and rock climbing was also necessary.

He dedicated his success to the memory of two great climbers, Szilárd Suhajda and Ákos Győrffy.

(Source: sportrajongo.co.hu / Pictures: Pixabay (The pictures are illustrations)


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