We can save up to HUF 50,000 per year by reducing food waste (x)

Did you know that food waste also contributes to climate change? Due to unconscious consumer decisions, we throw about 65 kilograms of food in the trash per person every year, even though with a little attention we could save a lot of money and energy - and by the way, we would also do our planet good! Nestlé and SPAR Plan smartly! his publication gives useful, budget-friendly tips for the correct storage of food, increasing the shelf life, shopping that takes environmental aspects into account, or the correct method of selective waste collection.

A total of about 1.8 million tons of food waste is generated in Hungary every year, and a family of four throws away about HUF 50,000 worth of unnecessarily purchased food during this time. [1]   A wasteful attitude makes the fight against hunger more difficult and increases greenhouse gas emissions by at least 10 percent, [2] which could easily be avoided with a little care.

The joint publication of Nestlé Hungária and SPAR Hungary provides help for a sustainable diet and the prevention of food waste. Plan smartly! The little book gives specific, useful tips on, among other things, how to properly store food, how to increase its shelf life, or how to properly collect waste. Thanks to the publication, we can find out which fruits and vegetables are currently in season, what the markings on the packaging show, how long each product can be consumed after the expiration date, and which types of plastic can be recycled. In this way, we can become more conscious in our consumer decisions, experiencing that we can save money and energy through environmental protection, and we can also support small producers active in the domestic agricultural sector.

Based on the little one, the two companies are also announcing this year a national player challenge for primary school students, which this time - after the publication - Plan smartly! it's what it's called: applying classes can receive useful tools for learning an environmentally conscious attitude, and they can also compete for valuable prizes.

As part of the campaign, the publication will later be available in printed form in designated SPAR and INTERSPAR stores, as well as online and in printed media. The goal is to encourage all social strata and all age groups to learn more conscious consumer decisions. And this is our common interest: in addition to protecting the environment by reducing food waste, we can also avoid unnecessary expenses.

Plan smartly! The publication is available on the websites www.nestle.hu/tervezzokosan and www.sparafenntarthatojovoert.hu/tervezzokosan , and will also be available in printed form later in designated SPAR and INTERSPAR stores.

[1] https://maradeknelkul.hu/

[2] https://www.elelmiszerbank.hu/hu/hirek/hireink/4_millio_kilo_elelmiszert_mentettunk_2022_elso_feleben.html

Cover image courtesy of Pexels

(Source: Editorial)


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