Norwegians can dominate the ski shooting World Cup.

In the men’s, the top four places in the World Cup points race are represented by representatives of the Scandinavian country. Of the 16 individual World Cups to date, 12 have been won, with only Sebastian Samuelsson of Sweden, Quentin Fillon Maillet of France, Arnd Peiffer of Germany and Alexander Loginov of Russia defending the sprint each.

In addition, the Bö brothers can advance in the eternal rankings, all the way to second place. Johannes Thingnes Bö, who leads the World Cup, and his brother, Tarjei Bö, the third in the World Cup, currently have ten World Cup golds, ranking sixth and seventh respectively. Frenchman Martin Fourcade, who retired last year, collected 13 World Cup titles during his career.

Women are looking for races that are one degree more balanced. Although two Norwegians are in the lead in the WC points race, Sweden's Hanna Öberg is closely behind them. The vk is led by Marte Olsbu Röiseland in front of Tiril Eckhoff, with eight of the 15 fights being won by a member of their duo. In addition to the two Norwegians, Öberg and Frenchman Julia Simon won at least two races this season.

With nine World Cup gold medals, Röiseland is fourth in the everlasting rankings, just three first places behind German leader Manuela Neuner, meaning that if she is successful, she could become the most successful female skier of all time in terms of World Cups.

The Hungarian colors are represented by a male competitor, Soma Gyallai, who starts in a sprint race and in the individual number (male 20 km). Federal Captain Emő Szőcs also reported to MTI that he would not leave due to the injury of Sára Pónya, while Dávid Panyik, who is also qualified, was struggling with complications after a coronavirus infection, so he would not travel to Slovenia.

Pokljuka hosts a full World Cup for the second time since 2001, and in 1998 he hosted the Chase Number and in 2006 the World Cup.

(Source: Source:, mti / Photo: pixabay, youtube, twitter)


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