Long Katinka won first-degree lawsuit against FINA - press release

A court in Washington, at first instance, gave justice to Long Katinka and two other swimmers, Tom Shields and Michael Andrew, in a lawsuit against the International Swimming Association - writes M4sport.hu on the Bors page.

Long Katinka's press informed the promotions.com on request that they had not been notified of the closure of the case, making it difficult to make a decision on the matter.

Long sued FINA for having prevented him from taking part in the Independent International Swimming League (ISL) competition in December, which attracted a lot of prizes from swimmers.

FINA forbids prospects for those swimmers who are starting to race in Turin. The organizers then kicked off the event and in December turned to court, as did swimmers who believed the threat of the alliance was unlawful. Otherwise, László Cseh would have started the race.

Bors spoke to Tamás Gyárfás, who informed the paper that FINA had not yet been informed of the decision on the fine.

(Source: sportrajongo.hu, m4sport, mti / Photo: pixabay)


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