Hosszú és Szoboszlai are the most valuable Hungarian athletes

The three-time Olympic champion swimmer Katinka Hosszú and Dominik Szoboszlai, the national football team of the CoR Leipzig, were tied for the lead according to a survey conducted by Forbes magazine about the most valuable athletes in Hungary.

The business paper has now compiled a list for the seventh time, before that it has never been tied for the lead. Kristóf Milák was the third swimmer behind Hosszú and Szoboszlai.


Forbes indicated that in the coronavirus epidemic, many athletes were able to show themselves to the general public from a completely different side. The pre-match and pre-competition press conferences were clearly replaced by Instagram. The pandemic also revealed the value of having athletes manifest themselves in social and public affairs: wear a mask, stay home, thank health workers, and the biggest dust-stirring entry of the season: family is family.

In the latter, Péter Gulácsi - who came fourth on the list - also brought a new color to athlete communication and shaping his image, when he clearly took a stand on a sensitive topic.

Anyone who has filled their media with content so far has been able to rely heavily on their followers at the time of the closures, but this period has also given many an opportunity to start shaping their fan base into a community. There is still little awareness of this in the Hungarian market, where advertisers also expect an active flu role from athletes.

The top five on the list - football player Attila Szalai was even able to enter here - was able to show his individuality to the wider public. Not only because of the European Football Championship (which is also an important period for advertisers), footballers have moved up the fresh Forbes list, more and more Hungarian players are in the international listed league, while Ferencváros fought in the Champions League last autumn.

It’s spectacular how handball or water polo has dropped on the list, but there are also new players. Attila Valter, one of the biggest of them, also led the complex for three days at the Giro d’Italia road cycling circuit. The biker finished in 20th place on the list.

Based on previous years, it seems to be a huge advantage to identify someone with an entire sport because of their outstanding performance.

Ranking on the Forbes list shows athletes ’ability to generate money and sport results: how well they build their brand and how well they can take advantage of the business opportunities that come with it.

Top 10 most valuable Hungarian athletes:

1. Long Katinka (swimmer) and Dominik Szoboszlai (football)

3. Kristóf Milák (swimmer)

4. Péter Gulácsi (football)

5. Attila Szalai (football)

6. Kapás Boglárka (floating)

7. Willi Orbán (football)

8. Márton Fucsovics (tennis player)

9. László Cseh (swimmer)

10. Liu Shaoang and Liu Shaolin Alexander (short track speed skaters)

(Source: Source: sportrajongo.hu, mti / Photo: pixabay)


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