Greek-Hungarian - Rossi: The assembly may change in two places

Compared to the Hungarian match that ended with a 2-1 victory in September, the starting team of the Hungarian national football team may change in two places on Friday in Athens, according to Marco Rossi.

At a Thursday's press conference at the League of Nations League match at Spiš Lúisz Olympic Stadium, the federal captain told MTI about the expected start-up team: although they are currently focusing on a closer match, they still have to think twice about their team, which will start off against Estonians on Monday in Tallinn.

"That's why I have questions that will be answered in the evening, the last training session. According to the present, there may be two changes compared to the Budapest start-up team," he said.

He went to Willi Orban, who joined the frame on Monday. As he said, he gave them the impression they had calculated on the basis of preliminary expectations.

"It's no coincidence that team captain in Leipzig," he said, adding that the defender knew his clubmate, Péter Gulácsi, the goalkeeper, and had a good relationship with them. "Everyone expects not only to add a great personality and attitude to the team, but also to provide security in defense."

He mentioned helping the players with suggestions to get more out of their clubs.

"Who does not play regularly will not have the rhythm of matches. We will never have the opportunity to work with the team together. they played regularly in their club, "he explained.

He stressed that among the football players who had been watching forty or at home, he had invited those who were physically and mentally at the moment.

"Of course, everybody makes mistakes, so I do. That I made the right choice will get the answer on the track," he said.

Rossi said the Greek national team was high on paper, staring in the ranks of the group. All said, the market value of the Greek framework is three times higher than that of Hungarians, but it is only the theory, and with the concentrated, humble and organized game, even the bravure of Budapest can be repeated.

"If we achieve a good result, that is, we earn points or points, we may consider ourselves a favorite, but in this case the situation remains open," said the Italian specialist for journalism. He recalled that after the Hungarian goalkeeper's match, it would be better to play in front of the fans and the five to six hundred Hungarian arrivals coming to Athens would be of great help.

Sallai Roland, who was beating one month ago, betrayed his goal several times.

"The team's victory was really important. We played a good game at home, I hope we can continue," he said.

He answered MTI's question, the good game of Budapest was the long, good preparation.

"We must not forget that the opponent is strong and wants to take a revenge. We will need a hundred percent concentration and good teamwork, and we have to go aggressively into the fighting," Salla said.

The battle begins on Friday at 20:45 on the German whistle of Tobias Stieler.

Expected compilation of Hungarian football team according to MTI:
Péter Gulácsi - Barnabás Bese, Willi Orban, Tamás Kádár, Attila Fiola - Ádám Nagy - Gergő Lovrencsics, László Kleinheisler, István Kovács, Roland Sallai - Ádám Szalai

(Source:, mti / Photo: pixabay)


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