Team sports

Kobe Bryant became vb ambassador
The double Olympic gold medalist, five-fold NBA champion, Kobe Bryant, became the ambassador of the 2019 Chinese men's basketball world championship.
  • basketball ()
The SPAR franchise network has been expanded
The SPAR partner program now has 158 franchises, and the annual gross turnover of the business unit was close to 36 billion forints in 2017. Stores associated with the popular retail model work around 1500 people nationwide. At the time of joining, special emphasis is given to the fact that after the conversion of the partner stores local food specialties are also offered.
  • Spar ()
  • partner program ()
  • meat factory ()
  • convenience ()
  • enjoy ()
  • spar partner ()
The Budapest Wine Festival invites you to relax with the wonderful Danube view
With more than 150 domestic and foreign exhibitors, you can sit in the Buda Castle on September 6-9. between. Exceptional drinks and delicious meals are accompanied by favorite musicians and programs for a good mood.
  • Spar ()
  • wine ()
  • wine festival ()
  • Buda Castle ()
  • Interspar ()
  • dance ()
  • music ()
Couple in Debrecen: the second INTERSPAR hypermarket opened (X)
SPAR Hungary works year after year to welcome its customers in the most pleasant and modern environment possible. Along these lines, it builds its new stores and transforms the existing ones, allocating billions of HUF of its own resources to these investments every year. This is how it happened, within arm's reach of Debrecen's dynamically developing southern business zone, on Mikepércsi út, where a new INTERSPAR store with a floor area of 2,600 square meters was opened in a modern, family-friendly area thanks to an investment of HUF three billion.
  • Spar ()
  • Interspar ()
  • hypermarket ()
  • in Debrecen ()
  • store opening ()
This year, as the main sponsor, SPAR is again promoting the masterpieces of domestic craft brews at the Belváros Sörfestival (X)
The Belvárosi Sörfesztivál awaits visitors with more than 250 types of beer, the craft specialties of the best Hungarian brews and masterpieces of international brands for six days, between August 29 and September 3, 2023. The main sponsor of the event, now in its second year, is SPAR Hungary, which supports high-quality domestic beer culture.
  • Spar ()
  • Interspar ()
  • beer ()
  • downtown beer festival ()
  • cook ()
This is how you can make the start of school for needy children more beautiful! (x)
The start of school is an exciting time every year, full of anticipation for both children and parents. However, it is also worth talking about how much this burdens the family coffers. Every parent wants to create the best possible conditions for their child to start school, but there are many families in Hungary who are not given this opportunity. The Hungarian Maltese Charity Service and SPAR want to jointly support families in need again this year with Giving Joy! with its school supplies collection campaign, which can be joined by anyone who would like to donate school supplies.
  • Spar ()
  • Interspar ()
  • donation ()
  • starting school ()
  • it's a joy to give ()
  • Hungarian Maltese Charity ()
Nothing to wait for! Let's fight food waste together! (x)
It is a sad fact that one third of the food produced in the world is wasted or wasted. This amount represents nearly 90 million tons of food thrown away every year in Europe alone. Although Hungarians are increasingly aware of their shopping, we all have to take responsibility in order to reduce and prevent food waste! As?" and the answer to this question is simple: with the nationwide connection of SPAR and INTERSPAR stores, through the Munch application or website, it is possible for those who have only planned to take conscious steps against food waste until now.
  • Spar ()
  • Interspar ()
  • application ()
  • food waste ()
  • Munch ()
Help for homeless animals (X)
Most four-legged animals live with caring and loving owners, receiving adequate amounts of food, care and love. However, there are companion animals who have had a less beautiful life, they have moved from the streets and ditches to more protected conditions, and now live in shelters, waiting for adoption - they are taken care of by SPAR Hungary and the National Animal Protection Foundation, during which they organize pet food collections in collaboration with animal protection organizations in INTERSPAR stores.
  • Spar ()
  • Interspar ()
  • pet food ()
  • pet ()
  • dog ()
  • fundraising ()
  • Paw in trouble ()
  • shelter ()
Give Pleasure! - Join us too!
The donation campaign of Adni Öröm !, the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service and SPAR has started. Between 16 and 21 December 2020, you can also support those in need by purchasing donation cards issued in designated SPAR and INTERSPAR stores.
  • Spar ()
  • Interspar ()
  • music ()
  • donation ()
  • give pleasure ()
  • Hungarian Maltese Charity Service ()
  • collaboration song ()
  • donation card ()
Give pleasure - but why? Here are the results of the latest research!
Although it is possible to donate any day of the year, which fortunately many people do, it is primarily associated with the Christmas season. But why are we kindhearted at this time? What do we donate? And anyway: really a pleasure to give? SPAR and the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service ended these issues.
  • Spar ()
  • Interspar ()
  • give pleasure ()
  • munificence ()
  • philanthropy ()




Thomas Doll leaves the city of Ferencváros
Thomas Doll, the German head coach of the Ferencváros football team, will leave the post with a joint agreement - said on Tuesday.
  • Giants ()
  • thomas doll ()


Thomas Doll leaves the city of Ferencváros
Thomas Doll, the German head coach of the Ferencváros football team, will leave the post with a joint agreement - said on Tuesday.
  • Giants ()
  • thomas doll ()